
This is so much fun. I never felt a rush like this. Amazing. Susan is so warm, no she is hot. Burning like a fire, engulfing everything in her path. It probably has something to do with the fact that she is on fire… You could say she is smoking hot.

Bleeding… No, that’s not my blood; I think it’s that guy over there. Oh shit! Who puts a mirror in a warehouse? I look like shit… Fuck got to be careful. No stabby, stabby on the face. Damn this mirror is cold, wonder what a mirror tastes like… Salty yet sweet. 


“What are you doing man?”

Who? I know them… Lu…Li…La…Lol hehehe… Luke! And he’s… he’s Him… that doesn’t make sense. Luke and…And Henri? I think so… 

“Luke and Henri?” Is that their name? Should be… it should be… ha flaming chick running! Beep! Beep! Motherfucker! Hehehe…

“Vick we need to get out of here now!” Which one are you? Wait did I say that out loud or not? No I didn’t, this dick isn’t reacting. Fuck my head…

“Richard come here and help us!” There is another one? How many are there? One dead body, two dead body, three dead body… No that’s the wrong thing, I need moving things. Okay so the chick on fire, bitch face one and bitch face two, and then we have that dick… Da fuck’s wrong with him?

“Hey..! You…” Yeah you! The one looking like a pussy! Fuck need to move mouth to talk… “Dick! You… What’s the fuck?” 

“Are you high?!” Screaming loud… No. Head hurts like a bitch. “No, I don’t want to know, I want out!”

“Oi! No! Out is a no go.” 

“Dude, stop being a pussy, let’s get out of here.” Bitch face one… Luke, I need to give you a promotion! Do I even pay you people? Is this my job? No I don’t work…

“I would rather die than go with you crazy people!” Dick is a dick.

“Sure is a shame…” Gun… gun… Gun! Found a gun. Good thing I didn’t blow my balls off, that would have been bad. “Today is not your day. You… Dick… coulda, woulda, shoulda made the right thing. But noooo… you wanna die! Fine then! Fuck you two!”

Boom! Headshot! Hehehe… 

“So that happened…” 

“Shut up!” Head… need medicine…

“Okay let’s get out of here.” 

I like that plan. I like…

Dancing in the moonlight

It’s impossible…

This shouldn’t be happening…

My cheeks feel wet, am I crying? I am…

After all these centuries I can’t believe it’s happening right now. I’ve heard so many stories, more like legends.

We survived…

I still can’t believe that I can see the outline of the door in pitch black, because the light from outside is so bright. That light, it’s the same light our ancestors saw and finally back. The sun has risen again. Morning has finally come back to our world…

I’m a bit scared to go outside, but… I want to…

It feels warm, even from behind the door, it feels so warm…

My hands are shaking. Am I worried or excited? I don’t know maybe a little bit of both.

“It’s so bright…”


“A number… People… Hour… Children… There is really nothing more is there?” An old woman leaned back in her chair.

“Though it could also be a score, but that’s so low. Maybe quantity? That would just be funny… No this is fine…”  A smile grazed her pale lips, closing her sunken eyes and letting raven hair fall on her face as she bowed her head. The woman’s gaze turned towards the table with a blank piece of paper and a pen. She lifted the pen with her left hand, her gaze stopping on a golden ring. 

“I’ll be right there…” A mere whisper past her lips as she started writing. The letters bending and turning with each move of her wrist. A fire was burning away in a small fire pit to the woman’s left, giving off an orange hue to the room. 

Without the fire light came in through the glass window, but the sun was beginning to set, casting a pink tint over the horizon. Outside the glass window a bird was perched up on a branch of an apple tree, chirping softly as though it was saying goodbye to the fading light. Its feathers were an ashy grey colour with a striped pattern of white and grey on its chest. Its tail feathers taking a darker shade and a fan like form.

The small birds’ song was slowly fading along with the sun and the old woman put down her pen. She finished her last page and was content with the results. She knew, she wouldn’t have time to read what she had written, so she was simply content with knowing that someone else will.

Leaning back in her chair she looked out the window. The grey bird had flown away leaving her alone with her final thoughts. However she did not think, there was no need for that, not anymore. She looked at the fading light and sighed. This was the last time she will see the sun. 

With the final rays of light disappearing over the horizon the old woman’s form relaxed. Eyes closing, she let out her final breath. With that the sun disappeared over the horizon and nobody knew, not the student, not the group of friends, not the sixteen year old, not the mother, when the sun will come back.

Please don’t leave me


The sun rise was delayed today. It felt like it was hesitant. I’m not sure why, but the cloudy sky isn’t helping anything. I think it’s going to be interesting from today forward.


Five students from my class were sick. Why five? It is wrong to question an insignificant number like five, but I took notice of it and I felt like I should mention it. I need to get out more. When a person starts thinking too much about a simple number like five then it’s about time they spent more time outside or with friends… This is depressing I really haven’t been talking to people. Maybe I’m going stir crazy  No that’s when a person doesn’t leave the house and I’ve been out of the house for a few time, but it’s mainly school and I just end up sitting alone writing in a notepad. Time to start socialising again. The sun looks bleak today… But what does five have to do with it?


Out of school and out of luck… I have been over thinking that stupid number again. Why? I need answers and I need a something to let out my frustration on. But I don’t think I’d be going out today, it feels strange outside. Just when I told myself to go out more… How typical…


It’s too dark… it’s spring the sun should be still high up in the sky, but it feels more like winter. The sun is barely visible in the horizon. I’m having this weird feeling. I don’t know… I need to get out… But it feels unsafe, I have a pocket knife and I won’t be outside for long, or go to uncrowded areas. I have watched too many horror movies…


The sun set was very strange… I feel like I should be worried. Well, more like, I should be a lot more coutios. I didn’t see a single person outside when I went out. Even the store was closed, I ended up going the schools field and watching the sunset. It was strange, but I felt this… Relief? I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I remember letting a sigh of relief as the sun disappeared.

I doubt I will ever see it again… But why is the number five bother me so much?



“Bye mom, good luck”

“Bye Wendy”

Close the door… Lock it… Wait ten minute after moms car disappears from the driveway… And Freedom!

“Yes! Free day from school! The house belongs to me!” Best day ever is going to begin now!

“Oh yes! I am going to have the best time ever!” Maybe I should invite a friend over?

“Maybe not, too much cleaning”

Time to make breakfast. How about… toast?

“I’m not going to eat toast on my free day” But everything else takes time to prepare…

“Ugh… Need junk food!” Those are calories you’re thinking about!

“Lookie here pancakes. Mom must have made them before going to work” I live to see lunch!

“I should be concerned. I talk to myself way too much” But I’m good at holding a conversation.

“Well you do have to talk to an intelligent person from time to time” Yes pet your overgrown ego, that’s how you make friends.

“No! I’m not going to get mopy today! I’m going to eat my pancakes, then I’m going to call Chris and we are going to go to the mall” And mom didn’t leave any money for me… and I’m broke…

“Then we’ll go to the lake” Time to get out the stalker shoes.

“I wonder if we can meet up with anyone else” Thought I’m going to hate it. These are damn good pancakes.

“Who else do I know from school?” Depends on what ‘know’ means.

“Maybe Chris can convince Rebeca to tag along” But I do terrible with three people, I should get a fourth too.

“Alex?” Doesn’t she hate me?

“Oh right the whipped cream incident” That was awesome no matter what anyone says.

“Melissa is a good choice” And she always brings those cupcakes that taste like heaven.

“Yeah that’s good” Pancakes are done, time to call Chris.

“Where’s my phone?” How can I lose my phone in my own home?

“What the hell? I left it on my nightstand” Or so I think…

“This is bull, my phone can’t just disappear” Maybe the one looking for it is an idiot.

“Okay enough beating yourself up” Keep telling that to yourself.

“Serious here” Like I could ever be.

“Phone!” You don’t say.

“Pick up we gotta goooo” I sound like a child.

“Yo Chris you free for today?” Was she still sleeping?

“What? You made plans when?” Probably not last minute.

“I see… Do you know if Rebeca is free today?” This is why last minute plans never work.

“Oh… she’s going with you, Alex and Melissa…” Ain’t I an unlucky bitch…?

“No it’s fine. I was just wondering what you were up to…” Wow I’m depressing.

“Yeah… Have fun” Well that went well.

“This is not going so well” At least she picked up?

“I’m not going to get depressed over one phone call. I’ll go outside and take a walk around the park and maybe go to the store too” Way to cling on to life.

“I should really stop talking to myself…” I should…


“Detective, we found this suicide note” A man dressed in a suit took the small note and read the text.

“There someone in my head, but it isn’t me” The detective looked over the note again. “Put it with the rest”

The other nodded and walked off, leaving the detective to his thoughts.

“What a strange case…” It really is.


I really hope it wasn’t as bad as I think it was…

Have a nice day. It is going to be great.