Not alone

Mirror, mirror, standing tall,

Have you seen this one at all?

With a smile, or a frown,

Maybe wearing a golden crown.

Here today, tomorrow, never…

They might think they are so clever

Hiding with the world close-by,

Never around to ask why.

Tucked away so far from sight,

No where near the burning light,

That can show what is shrouded

With them all, it’s getting crowded.


Your hands, they mold me,

Your voice, made me see

What is beautiful…

What is suitable…

You were my hero,

I was the zero.

The mistake you made

That was close to the blade.

You say it’s not so,

Then why did you go?

Why was I alone?

I am not your clone!

I know it was hard,

I know you are scarred,

But you didn’t ask,

So it will not last…


Knowledge equals power

In a world of lies.

Those who have it tower

Over those who are wise.

Secrets of the people,

Aren’t kept in stories,

Watching from the steeple

Searching for their quarries.

The gears started turning

When choosing was allowed.

Then we began learning

What it means to be proud.

It was meant to be sin,

Not a new beginning,

But with a cheeky grin

We managed winning.

Shadow of the day

Hours pass in moonlit rooms,

A single rose comes and blooms.

Petals fall in the abyss

Turns into such wondrous bliss.

Sounds of promise, dipped in honey.

Was it worth your dirty money?

Cut down the garden of untouched flowers,

Burn down the day that could have been ours.

And if rain ever starts to fall,

Do forget to make the call.

After all, what was said and done,

Will be replaced by a smoking gun.


This is so much fun. I never felt a rush like this. Amazing. Susan is so warm, no she is hot. Burning like a fire, engulfing everything in her path. It probably has something to do with the fact that she is on fire… You could say she is smoking hot.

Bleeding… No, that’s not my blood; I think it’s that guy over there. Oh shit! Who puts a mirror in a warehouse? I look like shit… Fuck got to be careful. No stabby, stabby on the face. Damn this mirror is cold, wonder what a mirror tastes like… Salty yet sweet. 


“What are you doing man?”

Who? I know them… Lu…Li…La…Lol hehehe… Luke! And he’s… he’s Him… that doesn’t make sense. Luke and…And Henri? I think so… 

“Luke and Henri?” Is that their name? Should be… it should be… ha flaming chick running! Beep! Beep! Motherfucker! Hehehe…

“Vick we need to get out of here now!” Which one are you? Wait did I say that out loud or not? No I didn’t, this dick isn’t reacting. Fuck my head…

“Richard come here and help us!” There is another one? How many are there? One dead body, two dead body, three dead body… No that’s the wrong thing, I need moving things. Okay so the chick on fire, bitch face one and bitch face two, and then we have that dick… Da fuck’s wrong with him?

“Hey..! You…” Yeah you! The one looking like a pussy! Fuck need to move mouth to talk… “Dick! You… What’s the fuck?” 

“Are you high?!” Screaming loud… No. Head hurts like a bitch. “No, I don’t want to know, I want out!”

“Oi! No! Out is a no go.” 

“Dude, stop being a pussy, let’s get out of here.” Bitch face one… Luke, I need to give you a promotion! Do I even pay you people? Is this my job? No I don’t work…

“I would rather die than go with you crazy people!” Dick is a dick.

“Sure is a shame…” Gun… gun… Gun! Found a gun. Good thing I didn’t blow my balls off, that would have been bad. “Today is not your day. You… Dick… coulda, woulda, shoulda made the right thing. But noooo… you wanna die! Fine then! Fuck you two!”

Boom! Headshot! Hehehe… 

“So that happened…” 

“Shut up!” Head… need medicine…

“Okay let’s get out of here.” 

I like that plan. I like…